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Last updated: 2023-11-23.
This year I listened to a lot of great music and I did that in a more organised and conscious way than usual. What follows is a short guide to this page.
These are my favorite tracks that I listened this year. For each song, I listed the ideal mood to listen to the track and provided a short description and/or association. The mood is particularly important because it would be a shame to waste a song by listening to it in the wrong mood. To simplify things, I categorized the moods into three main categories: energy, which represents a positive state of mind, happiness, and overall positivity; meditative, which encompasses a heightened level of consciousness and a range of emotions from deep melancholy to inner peace; and alienation, for strange and/or scary music that evokes negative feelings such as depression, fear, and anxiety.
All songs are from 2023, unless specified otherwise. The genres are the same as used by Bandcamp. I estimate that these tracks represent ca. 1% of all trackes listened in 2023. In the first list (Top 100), the tracks are unordered (any order would do, depending on the mood). I ordered them by genre for convenience. Then, in the second list, I have selected my absolute favorites from those 100, creating a sort of Top 20. So without further ado, here is the final list.
I appreciate high-quality cover art. Listed below are my ten favorite cover designs I came across this year, independent of the tracks listed above. (click to enlarge).